Agape Christian Fellowship/New Life Ministries
🙏 Welcome to Agape Christian Fellowship! We are dedicated to education,
We believe…
*In Jesus Christ, the son of God the father.
*That Jesus Christ is “The Way”, to fellowship with God through forgiveness of sin.
*That Jesus Christ suffered and died on a cross as a sacrifice for all humankind.
*Jesus rose on the third day in fulfillment of scripture, and overcame sin and death for us.
*In the lost state of human beings apart from Christ, and that there is a real hell where the eternally lost, the anti-Christ, and the devil will be cast at the end of all things Christ (Christological end).
*That Jesus is seated at the right hand of the father, and that Jesus will return again.
*In the final judgement where everyone will be judged for what they did while in their bodies here on earth.
*That human beings exist in a fallen state apart from Christ.
*That all human beings are broken, and fall short of the glory of God daily, and are in need of grace, and guidance through the holy spirit.
*That grace is greater than our own understanding, and all human beings are in constant need of some form of grace in order to live out perfection.
*In the errancy of human beings, and the in errancy of God.
*That churches are merely hospitals of fellowship for the broken and contrite in spirit and heart. That true healing from our wounds begins with the work of the Holy Spirit through confession and prayer.
*In general orthodoxy, but we reject those things used in the past or present that have been used by the church to hurt other human beings.
*Tradition and embrace its value to teach, while rejecting anything that has been or can be used to anyone for any reason.
*In the freedom of human beings as being a gift from God and having the purpose to determine one’s own heart and focus.
*The bible to be inspired by God, written by the hands of huma beings under inspiration. We believe it is useful for teaching and training the righteousness. We reject the abusive nature of the misuse of scripture, to oppress, judge, and debase our fellow human beings.
*We do not accept the use of the bible (Gods word to human beings), to wound, hurt, win arguments or cast condemnation on others. We believe that it is God’s work to judge and ours to correct and instruct with caution and love.
*We are a come as you are church. We believe that God looks at the heart and not the clothes.
*We are foundationally a Christ centered church, with Wesleyan theological influences.
*And subscribe to the Methodist concepts of mentoring, and encourage relationship building for this purpose.
*That the problem of evil in the world exists because of the influence of the Devil, and the choice of human beings afforded free will under such corruption.
*We believe God to be all loving and that God is self-limiting in order for love to be expressed through freedom.
*That the patriarchal, and social order within the text of the bible is associated with cultural biases, and the nature and mindset of antiquity. Therefore, we deny any reading or interpretation of the bible that would set one person above the other. We acknowledge that all human beings are equally sinful and in need of a Saviour.
Books by Pastor Glen..
- What We Believe: Agape Christian Fellowship (The Foundation).
- For The Sake Of Grace: Foundational Restoration and empowerment.
- From Where The Sun Sets: Love, Grace, and Forgiveness, in Contemporary Society.
- The Compromised Gospel.
- The Theology of Silence and Words.
- In Spite Of My Brokenness: A Contemporary Theology.
- Leaving Locked Up: A Transitional Story Of Life After Incarceration.
- The Bracelet.
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Agape Christian Fellowship/New Life Ministries is a non-denominational Christian church located in Elgin, Oregon. Our church services are held every Sunday from 10:45am-12:00PM
Alex Martinez
Welcome to Agape Christian Fellowship/New Life Ministries!
Join us every Sunday at 10:45am for our uplifting church services.
✓ Experience the power of community and
✓ Discover the joy of serving others and
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Agape Christian Fellowship?
Agape Christian Fellowship is a Christian Church located in Elgin, Oregon. We are a non-denominational church and ministry that focuses on the
What is the focus of Pastor Glen Carter’s
Pastor Glen Carter’s ministry focuses on the potential of every human life in relation to their brokenness.
What is the motto of Agape Christian
Our motto is “All are welcome, because All are broken”.
Who is Pastor Glen Carter?
Pastor Glen Carter is a minister with over 23 years of experience. He has taught as a college educator in theology for 10 years and has authored
What are your service times?
Our church services are held every Sunday from 10:45am-12pm.
How can we assist you?
We are here to help. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.